This could be the beginning of a great journey
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Large cover shot of Massimo Carcaterra working at his desk

Hi — name is Massimo Carcaterra, also known as Mass.

I’ve been a savvy creator for well over 10 years, experimenting with the internet and pushing my first pixel as a young teenager, all the way to crafting digital products and experiences for industry leaders internationally.

Throughout the years I've had the opportunity to live in 3 different countries across 2 continents, lead businesses, graduate with honours in media and design, freelance and work full-time as Product Designer.

My developed passion for business and design brought me to London, where I never miss a Sunday roast, but also run a hyper-focussed UI/UX and Web Design practice helping bold companies and entrepreneurs worldwide.

The Journey

Joining the Family Business

I had just turned 20 when I first joined the family business: a tourism Hotel in the Alps, Northern Italy.

After a few months working reception and admin, I was given the chance to take over the marketing: with a mix of basic skills in design, photography and copywriting, I was able to execute a strategy that brought the hotel at the top of search results in the area across different online travel agencies websites (which were booming at the time).

Results came in quickly: a tremendous surge of web visits and rooms booked, ultimately leading to a 300% revenue increase from previous years.

Family Hotel building on a sunny day in the Alps, Northern Italy

Moving across the Globe

While feeling grateful for the opportunities given, my young self knew that I was meant to travel the world, meet people, discover and follow my passions: this is when I decided to leave the family business behind and book a one way ticket to Sydney Australia (yes, Australia).

I can honestly say I fell in love with the city within days, which initiated a series of events that brought me to enrol in a Bachelor of Media and Design, at the Academy of Information Technology Sydney.

Fast forward 4 years filled with adventures, challenges, friends, mentors, sweat and joy, I graduated with top grades and the Academic Dean’s Award for that year.

Massimo sitting on a rock in a forest, location Blue Mountains Sydney, Australia

Carving the Path

I was nearing the end of my studies when I was asked if I’d be willing to work as a Student Mentor, responsible for providing guidance to undergraduates. Shortly after, I was offered to join the marketing team by representing the college at official events with industry leaders in the city.

This opportunity prompt me to create my freelance business: Mass Design was born in 2017, providing consulting, video, graphic and web design services.

One thing led to another, and I ended up doing work for both Australian and International industry leaders, such as OVO Mobile, AEL, D-Link, PwC and Sennheiser.

Medium body shot of Massimo with his previous freelance brand "Mass Design" in display

Becoming a Product Designer

Fast forward to 2019 I got in touch with WORKetc, an international enterprise with its headquarter in Sydney, offering a cloud-based business management platform for small and medium businesses worldwide.

I had joined a round of screening and interviews for a fixed term UI design contract: I didn’t really get it, instead, I was offered a permanent position for that same role!

After 3 months I got a promotion to UI/UX, and 6 more months later I was promoted again to Product Designer.

During my time at WORKetc I’ve had the pleasure to work alongside Founder CEO Daniel Barnett, whom will soon become my manager, mentor and above all, dear friend.

WORKetc office space in Sydney Australia

And Back Again

It's 2021 and I felt blessed to be able to call Australia home for over 5 years, but a strong need to get back to my European roots started to creep in: this is when I took the hard decision to leave Sydney and move to another great city in my home continent: London, UK.

I gave myself some time to get to know the place and fully breath in the buzz, before founding Mass Designer Studio: a hyper-focused UI/UX and Web Design practice aimed at helping companies in the city and world-wide.

I’m extremely excited for what lies ahead, eager to meet new people, colleagues, friends, all coming together in creating meaningful products to disrupt the market with.

Street traffic photo of London UK with a red telephone box in the foreground



Up to speed with the latest, most reliable and powerful technology

Modern Design

Creating designs that look and feel unique for a website you can be confident of


Crystal clear communication, avoiding any jargon nonsense

Webflow Development

Lighting fast loading times and silk smooth animations thanks to latest web technologies


No shady practices tollerance: the only way forward is together

Fully Responsive

From mobile and tablets to big screens your website responds and gets displayed accordingly


Constantly striving for quality: nobody likes poorly made things

Content Management

Inclusive CMS that grants you control over dynamic content avoiding any extra costs


I will not engage with products aimed at exploiting the user

Apps Integration

Scale your operations by using powerful third party apps fully integrated with your website


Setting realistic goals to chase always being outcome driven

Advanced SEO

Ensuring your new website gets clicked and doesn't get lost in the midst of the internet

Frequently asked

Are you a Freelancer or a Design Studio?

I generally carry out all the work myself. Where I do differ from a traditional freelancer though, is that I can call upon a network of professionals to help me out with projects, which allows me to provide a different range of solutions for my clients. The best part? This is all happening and managed behind the scenes

How much does a project cost?

My level of engagement starts at $5,000 and can go up to $50,000+. The cost of each project greatly depends on its scope and how many weeks/months of work it requires to be completed, with complex UI/UX design projects generally being on the higher end of the spectrum

I want to work with you, what’s the process?

Great. I’d recommend you click on any of the Free Proposal buttons and complete the guided experience. I’ll get back in touch to book a discovery call, which I can then follow up with a project proposal contract. If you prefer to do it all manually, you can email me at

What's the “Free Proposal” all about?

Using any of the Free Proposal buttons will prompt a step-by-step experience where you will be guided in providing key information about your project before submitting the request. This way I can get back in touch and we hit the ground running on a 30 minutes discovery call, getting the most out of it

Do you work remotely and/or Internationally?

Yes absolutely, and I have for the past few years using high end equipment, working with companies from the UK, Europe, USA and Australia. I also have no problems with invoicing and receiving bank payments internationally in most of the major currencies

Can you make a logo for my company?

While I don’t take on full Brand Identity projects at the moment, I do offer Branding/Logo Design as a complementary service for any UI/UX or Web Design project: if you intend to submit a proposal request, there will be an option to select if you also need Branding work done